Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Each month a member of my quilt journal group selects a theme for each of us to interpret in our own way. Sometimes we have a few weeks of warning on what's coming, but July came to us right at the first of the month. After all, it's summer and we're all busy with activity and family and traveling and fun. My Quadra friend, Terry, proclaimed July to be the month of "earth, air, fire, water" and challenged us to use as many of these elements as possible in our piece.
Terry must have known what was on the horizon for us, at least in southern BC.
Two nights ago, I sat in my favorite chair, doing one of my typical late night activities such as writing or doodling, sudoku or listening to my ipod. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a flash outside. What was it? It had been a hot day and rain was on the forecast but I hadn't heard word of lightning. The flash came again, so I turned off the lights and began to watch the show. Thunder was dim and subtle so I knew the show was far away and it didn't give me that powerful surge of force and energy that I've felt with lightning storms in the past. But it was late and I was tired, so soon I realized it would be better for me to go to bed and watch through my bedroom window. At that, I climbed the stairs and "lightening-ed" off to sleep. My faithful pooch was by my side.
But the energy was brewing and at 4 am, my eyes opened wide to witness the most amazing burst of light I have ever experienced, followed IMMEDIATELY by a crack that sent my mind into apocalyptical imaginings: nuclear attack, end of the world, earth's implosion. I had never seen such a show of force in my life.
The show went on for another hour but nothing compared to that earlier flash and crack. It was Mother Nature showing every bit of force she had. I was humbled and honored to be a witness. I will never forget it.
Earth. Air. Fire. Water. A perfect theme, Terry!

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