Monday, January 24, 2011


mountain piece 029
I’ve just returned from a trip. Tom and I joined three other couples on a near-three week journey around central Mexico, in particular, Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Valle de Bravo, Morelia and surrounding areas of these cities. We had our wonderful guide, Luis Miguel, with us to act as our driver, story teller, historian, language instructor, music aficionado, culture consultant and friend.
Everyone in Mazatlan told us that our destination cities would be “mucho frio”, so we packed extra sweaters, turtlenecks, a hat, scarves, etc. My little suitcase was packed to the brim, but I did find a tiny space for some handwork: two collages of applique work that I would later turn into pillow covers.  They fit well into a gallon size Ziploc, along with a needle, a few bright bundles of embroidery thread, and my itty bitty Swiss Army knife, complete with mini-scissors.
mountain piece 028
Our weather was beautiful so half of the clothes in my suitcase were ignored. And our days were busy and involved which left little time for hand sewing. My Ziploc and its contents were ignored too.
So now home, I have pulled out this project and started on it. I designed the collage prior to leaving and now find it so connected to what I experienced on my travels. We made daily visits to the amazing archaeological sites of the area, climbing pyramids and temples along our route. I think this piece reflects much of the amazing beauty and history of Mexico that I experienced these last three weeks.

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