Sunday, November 18, 2012

DARK LIGHT, 1,2,3!

Here is a great crossover dye recipe that Cynthia showed us. I love the results and will be trying more of these. Thanks to Christine for writing down these directions.

(pagoda red with moss green)

2 Color Gradation with 5 Jars

Set out five empty jars labeled left to right: DARK LIGHT 1 2 3
Put a piece of wet fabric in each jar.

Color #1
If using fat quarters, use 1 tablespoon of a single dye concentrate in a yogurt cup filled with water for medium color. Adjust amount for lighter or darker results. 

Pour half of the first dye mixture into a second yogurt cup.  Pour the second yogurt cup into the "DARK" jar.

Refill the original remaining half filled yogurt cup with water. 

Pour half of this more diluted mixture into the second yogurt cup.  Pour the second yogurt cup into jar 1.

Refill the original remaining half-filled yogurt cup with water. 

Pour half of this more diluted mixture into the second yogurt cup.  Pour the second yogurt cup into jar 2.

Refill the original remaining half-filled yogurt cup with water.

Pour half of this even more diluted mixture into the 2nd yogurt cup. Pour the second yogurt cup into jar 3. 

Pour the remaining diluted mixture (1/2 c.) in the first yogurt cup into the "LIGHT" jar.
(chinese red with better black)
Color #2
Put 1 tablespoon (or the amount you have chosen for the desired intensity of color) of the next color of dye concentrate into a yogurt cup and fill with water.  Reverse the process above:

Pour half of the dye into a second yogurt cup.  Pour the second yogurt cup of dye into the "DARK" jar.
Refill the first yogurt cup with water.  Pour half into the second yogurt cup.  Pour the second yogurt cup into jar 3.

Refill the first yogurt cup with water.  Pour half into the second yogurt cup.  Pour the second yogurt cup into jar 2.

Refill the first yogurt cup with water.  Pour half into the second yogurt cup.  Pour the second yogurt cup into jar 1.

Pour the remaining diluted mixture (1/2 c) in the first yogurt cup into the "LIGHT" jar. 
Add a half cup of soda ash to each jar. Stir or shake. Await the beautiful results!

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